Unit Name: Managing People in Organisations

Unit Code: M/505/9208

Level: 4    

Credit: 15

GLH: 60


Please click the link below to view guidelines:

ATHE Definition of GLH, TQT, and Credits

Please click the following link to view the ATHE Specifications for Level 4 & 5 Business and Administrative Management:

ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management 

  Unit Aims:

This unit examines the management of individuals and teams in organizations. This takes account of individuals’ different approaches to work. It recognizes that the greatest assets organizations possess are the people who work there, and that effective management of these people is the key to sustaining competitive advantage within a framework of organizational behavior. It also explores the impact ethical practice and social responsibility have on organizations and the individuals within them.

Learners who aspire to positions in human resource management or aim to manage and lead teams will develop the fundamental knowledge and understanding necessary for such job roles.

Assessment Guidance:

To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE  assignment brief. The unit can be approached from a theoretical perspective. However, the application of approaches to people management in the learners’ place of work, or other organizations that have been researched are important in demonstrating achievement of the standards.

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