Unit Name: Innovative Technologies and Connected DevicesÂ
Unit Code: J/651/0152Â
Level: 5Â Â Â
Credit: 15Â Â Â Â Â
GLH: 60
Please click the link below to view the guidelines:
ATHE Definition of GLH, TQT, and Credits
Please click the following link to view the ATHE Specifications for Level 5 Computing:
ATHE Level 5 Computing Specification v1.0 060224
  Unit Aims:
This unit aims to equip you with an e understanding of innovative technologies like AI, IoT, Blockchain, AR, VR, and the world of connected devices. You will explore their applications, understand their working principles, and learn about their implementation and ethical challenges. This knowledge and skill set will prepare you to navigate the ever
evolving digital landscape.
Innovative Technologies and Connected Devices Video Link 1:
Course Curriculum
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