Unit Name: Computer Systems, Networks and Security
Unit Code: F/650/8505
Level: 4 Â Â
Credit: 10Â Â Â Â Â
GLH: 50
Please click the following link for downloading the Specifications for ATHE Level 4 Computing:
ATHE Level 4 Computing Specification v1.0 091023
Unit Aims:Â
This unit has three primary focuses. Firstly, it explores the technologies that enable computing such as memory, programs and logic. It then examines both hardware and software, connectivity and networking principles before examining risks to computer systems and data. Learners will explore a range of risks, attack techniques, security tools and a range of incidents and vulnerabilities. This is appropriate underpinning knowledge for any IT practitioner/professional who should have a basic understanding of computer security.
Computer Systems, Networks and Security Video 1:
Course Curriculum
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