Unit Name: Digital Forensics
Unit Code: L/651/0163
Level: 5Â Â Â
Credit: 15Â Â Â Â Â
GLH: 60
Please click the link below to view the guidelines:
ATHE Definition of GLH, TQT, and Credits
Please click the following link to view the ATHE Specifications for Level 5 Computing:
ATHE Level 5 Computing Specification v1.0 060224
  Unit Aims:
This unit is designed to help students acquire the necessary skills to fulfil the increasing need for computer forensics in the security and law enforcement sectors. It introduces the fundamentals of computer forensics and enhances cyber security knowledge through an exploration of the evolution and history of digital forensics. The unit also provides opportunities for students to consider professional standards and policies, as well as to learn about the management and investigation of digital crime scenes.
Digital Forensics Video Link 1:
Course Curriculum
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