Unit Name: Advanced Database Practice
Unit Code: L/651/0154
Level: 5Â Â Â
Credit: 15Â Â Â Â Â
GLH: 60
Please click the link below to view the guidelines:
ATHE Definition of GLH, TQT, and Credits
Please click the following link to view the ATHE Specifications for Level 5 Computing:
ATHE Level 5 Computing Specification v1.0 060224
  Unit Aims:
This unit will teach the learners relational theory concepts such as normalisation, foreign keys, ensuring consistency, three value logic, indexes for efficiency, database optimisation etc. As an advanced course, it will presume that the learners have some familiarity with basic SQL extraction and manipulation techniques, such as those taught in L4 Unit 8. It will teach how to create various database objects and their benefits, e.g. tables, dynamic/materialised views, triggers, stored procedures, user defined functions etc.
Advanced Database Practice Video Link 1:
Course Curriculum
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